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Israeli street food – the magnificent and humble boureka

The square shape of the bourekas tells us that they are filled with a potato filling One does not have to spend a long time in Israel to get your first introduction to a boureka. These savory stuffed pastries are everywhere You'll find them for breakfast in hotel dining halls, in countless bakeries and coffee shops, on picnics and even at restaurants that only serve bourekas. They are often eaten in Israeli homes as part of a 'light' or diary meal in the evenings. (Most households in Israel usually serve the large cooked meal at lunchtime.) More often than not, bourekas are also an integral part of the wonderful Friday or Shabbat brunch table. To be really honest however, you basically eat a boureka whenever you encounter one. They are that irresistible. If you stop to grab a quick coffee at a coffee shop, the comforting smell of the bourekas will convince you to upgrade to a 'café ve'ma afe' (coffee + pastry). Wandering through street markets, the sight of fres

Haveil Havalim # 356

"Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity." Kohelet 1 (Ecclesiates) 

I have the honor this week to host Haveil Havalim - a carnival of Jewish and Israeli blogs.The Haveil Havalim blog carnival was founded by Soccer Dad and every week a different blogger takes a turn to host a weekly collection of blog posts.

The name "Haveil Havalim" means "Vanity of the Vanities" and is taken from the book Ecclesiates in the Tanach (the Jewish Bible). Yocheved Golani from Its my Crisis and I'll cry if I Need to will be will hosting next week's edition. If you blog about Israel or Jewish-related subjects, please feel free to join the Haveil Havalim Facebook group or go and have a look at the Haveil Havalim website.

And now... let's go and have a look at those blog posts.

Remembering the Holocaust and Family who have Passed Away

It was a sad day in Israel this week with the whole country taking time to remember the six million who had died in the Holocaust. Bat Aliyah writes in Stam A Day how she experienced Holocaust Remembrance Day here in Israel. Rutimizrachi remembers her great-grandmother Ruth from Poland in "Even the beggar stood". And in Shiloh Musings Batya reminiscences about growing up in the USA and how her grandparents watched the Holocaust from afar in We're All Holocaust Survivors.

Haveil Havalim bloggers also blogged about their own personal losses. Trip'n Mommy is faced with the task of planning a yartzheit for her husband at Creating a New Tradition for Loss. And Eliyahu writes about his brother, Dov Daniel ben Zelig Pinchus who has passed away. You can read about how he and his family have started to learn mishnayot in his memory at Mishnah Learning for a Special Soul.

Life in Israel

Next week, the country of Israel celebrates its 64th year on independence. has an article about Making a Difference on Yom Ha' Atzmaut (Independence Day). The country is already draped in beautiful blue and white flags and in Shiloh Musings at The Israeli Flag is MY FLAG! you can read about the feeling of pride Israelis feel when they see their flag.

At Religion and State in Israel you can read or listen to a weekly review of media coverage on religious and state issues in the country of Israel.

In the Real Jerusalem Streets we see some amazing photos of Israel, including the Google car, mapping Jerusalem in Google Maps Jerusalem.

Susan Esther Barnes from To Kiss a Mezuzah talks about The Three Best Things About Passover this Year. I agree with number two Susan :) one of the best things of Passover is the taste of bread after a week of no carbs! And at Passover Leftovers you can see photos of how Israelis celebrated Passover this year. The last photo, the message on the bus, is my personal favorite.


Catriel has an interesting article called Women and the Korban, Pesach, Part II on the fact that women (in theory) could slaughter their own Korban Pesach (Passover offering).

 Miriam Goodman from Miriam's Words writes about studying tehillim (psalms) at Words of Wisdom and shares her views on the over sixty-five age group at Oh, Those Golden Years. Are They Really Golden?

A Hebrew Lesson

Ya'aqov ben Yehudah from Esser Agaroth tells us at Shomer Misnomer why the misuse of Hebrew words can sometimes be irritating. I myself do not like it when non-Hebrew speakers pronounce my surname with the accent on the Mesh and not the She. Not their fault, I know...but it does grate on the ears!

Some Politics....

The blog The Israel Situation has an article about Israel's relationship with Syria at Sometimes, It's Better the Devil You Know...

and a Competition!

At  Win a Free Copy of Six-Word Memoirs on Jewish Life from you can read about how to win a copy of the book, "Six-Word Memoirs on Jewish Life".

And that is it. I hope had you enjoyed clicking on the links and reading all these wonderful blog posts!

Marina Shemesh


  1. This is beautifully and tenderly done, Marina. I especially like it when editors can take the time (not always an easy task!) to read the posts, and to write tantalizing comments introducing them. Your extra effort will ensure that I read more of the posts than I usually make time for. Good job, Ms. SHEmesh. ;-)

  2. Thanks for all the lovely comments! It was a bit harder than I thought it would be :)

  3. this is really informative web blog such a great work, keep it up quick quid


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